Sunday, September 22, 2024

Age of A.I.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing how we live, work, and interact with each other, and the PBS Frontline documentary "In the Age of AI" really opened my eyes to the good and bad that comes with it. Watching the two-hour video was both fascinating and terrifying because of the huge impact AI is already having on our lives.

AI has also significantly increased efficiency and productivity in a lot of industries. AI not only has improved manufacturing processes and enabled businesses to manufacture more goods more quickly, but it's exceeding how much they could have in the past. Furthermore, AI helps doctors diagnose and treat patients more accurately. AI helps with diagnosing illness, this anticipates future diseases like cancer and benefits patients in the process. Since AI can analyze tons of data and identify patterns that humans would miss, this allows it to revolutionize both science and business industries. AI has made it possible for people to make more informed decisions based on more accurate data and research.

Although AI seems like it can be the best technology for the future, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Throughout the documentary, there were many questions about the privacy invasion of AI. Every time we click, share, or interact online, our data is being collected. The crazy part is this occurs without us even knowing, and we cannot stop it. Not only is this one of the main issues with AI, but this also brings up the serious surveillance issues that compromise our privacy on an even bigger scale. Though AI can jeopardize our privacy, it can also improve security, so the question I asked myself was, is it a fair trade-off? One of AI-powered technology's key benefits is its ability to identify and eradicate dangers before they even arise; would this include itself? 

Throughout the documentary, the way they presented AI’s position within our government and national security was a bit odd as well. Artificial intelligence technology is being heavily invested in by governments to prevent crime and protect their citizens. However, this doesn't mean the government won't use AI as a weapon for totalitarian despotism. The only way to make sure AI is used correctly is by governing it just like anything else. Even though AI poses a huge threat in the wrong hands, it can enhance security by foreseeing assaults and enabling faster emergency reaction times for our guardians. AI is being used by criminals as well, which is why identity theft and cyberattacks have been increasing over the years. AI is also capable of retaliating, this time by creating stronger defenses against these attacks and preventing crimes like these from occurring down the line.

"In the Age of AI," broke down the pros, cons, and future of AI. It's obvious that even though AI can better life, its usage requires caution. Based on the documentary, it all comes down to making a balance between the advantages and being aware of the privacy, security, and any ethical problems that might come from AI. Artificial intelligence is here to stay and grow, so we need to make sure it's not being used against the people. We need to learn how to utilize AI responsibly for the better of society.

People's choices about how to interact with AI will ultimately determine whether we utilize it as a tool for empowerment or continue to use it as a weapon against our freedom. Millions of jobs, businesses, and ideas could be lost because of AI. We need to do better at influencing its evolution for the good of humanity as a whole. If we are more aware of its pros and cons, this will lead to better outcomes. People, especially those with lower incomes, will have a difficult future if we do not act now to make standards, safeguard privacy, and implement security protocols. AI could change our entire way of life for the better and dictate online usage among all citizens.

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