Sunday, September 22, 2024

EOTO1 POST: History and Impact of A.I.

History: The Beginnings of AI

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has rapidly evolved from a futuristic concept to a key part of our everyday lives. But where did it all begin? The roots of AI are traced back to the mid-20th century. AI was brainstormed by early computer scientists who started imagining machines that could think like us, humans.

In a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956, a group of scientists led by Claude Shannon, John McCarthy, and Marvin Minsky came up with the term "artificial intelligence." They thought that things requiring human intelligence, like learning and language comprehension, could be coded into machines. They believed making devices that could mimic human thought processes would revolutionize the world. However, their progress over time was sluggish. The technology available was restricted at the time. Although early AI systems were capable of basic tasks, they were not able to have the agility, flexibility, and comprehension of human intellect. 

Furthermore, the creation of expert systems software, which imitates the human decision-making process, allowed for AI research to accelerate in the middle of the 1980s. These systems were used in fields like medicine and finance to make recommendations or diagnose diseases. However, even though AI was advancing society, due to high costs and limited computing power, AI diminished again by the end of the decade.

The big breakthrough of AI came in the 21st century because of advancements in machine learning. This was driven by increased computing power and the amount of data gathered. AI began to achieve significant successes, like beating humans at complex games like chess and Go. AI was able to understand and generate human language, minor suggestions, and make more accurate predictions in various human subjects/categories.

By bettering diagnosis, customizing therapy, and even predicting patient outcomes, artificial intelligence has been able to transform the healthcare industry. AI systems, are now capable of analyzing medical images and detecting diseases like cancer, faster and with greater accuracy than human physicians. Through early disease detection and data-driven treatment recommendations, this technology holds the potential to save endless lives. As this area grew stronger for AI so did other categories. If you think back to 100 years ago, never would anyone imagine this would be possible.

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As AI grows in the healthcare industry it also promotes innovation and growth in other industries. For example, in finance, AI is used to detect fraud, make trading decisions, and manage risk. In retail, AI helps businesses optimize inventory, predict customer behavior, and provide personalized shopping experiences. Also, it can improve consumer experiences in retail by predicting trends and managing inventory better.

Although AI has improved many different categories in society, there have been many complaints. AI is causing disruptions. AI is generating trouble because automation leads to job losses in areas where repetitive tasks are now performed by machines. This problem continues to rise in society as AI keeps growing. Not only are there disruptions in work, but AI also has a lot of ethical problems. Some of the big issues include data privacy, algorithmic prejudice, and AI being abused for military or spying purposes. To make sure that AI is being used properly, these ethical issues have to be addressed. As AI keeps developing, it needs to be governed just like any other major advancement in society.

The Future of A.I.

Many people focus too much on the negatives of artificial intelligence and don't realize the breakthrough AI is having and how it is changing our world. AI is continuing to solve complicated problems and creating new opportunities across a lot of industries, like entertainment, business, and healthcare. These industries are just some of the few big ones, AI touches nearly every industry whether it's positive or negative. It can be used to predict patient outcomes based on a lot of data and can identify family sickness in medical imaging. Artificial Intelligence drives virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, personalizes Netflix and Spotify suggestions, and even helps in controlling smart home devices all of which are part of our daily lives. It's improving the convenience, effectiveness, and connectivity of our lives. However, even as we acknowledge AI's pros, we also need to be aware of its limitations and work toward a way for everyone to benefit from it and not be put out of work.

Artificial intelligence has quickly developed from a science fiction idea to a force that is revolutionizing our society. In 1956, researchers John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky first used the term "Artificial Intelligence" to describe their goal of building robots with human-like cognitive abilities. Due to expensive prices and limited processing capacity, early AI was primarily focused on problem-solving and language interpretation, and as explained development was sluggish. Now that sources are nearly unlimited, there is no clear picture of when A.I. will stop progressing. Those goals from Minsky and McCarthy have come true. This shows how much potential AI has since all it takes is time to keep developing.

Privacy, Online & Off

The theme this week is privacy, which, honestly, feels like one of the biggest challenges of our time. We've already talked about how much information we willingly share online, but what hit me after watching these TED talks is how companies like Facebook (and plenty of others) take that data and run with it. And that’s just scratching the surface of how bad companies like these are.

Technology is amazing until it’s used against us. When you realize your privacy has been breached, it’s pretty terrifying and upsetting. Nowadays, people, corporations, and even the government can invade our privacy whenever they want, 24/7, every day of the year. 

There were also a lot of issues within the TED lecture videos. The videos helped me realize how open we are to both government and social media monitoring. Our location and phone conversations are tracked, and all of that data is kept on file in case it turns out to be "useful" in the future. To be honest, that poses a crazy risk since it indicates that our privacy is being violated in every way. It is crazy to think that anytime and anywhere someone is recording your every message, phone call, or even in-person conversation with someone else.

Juan Enriquez, one of the presenters, discussed "electronic tattoos," and I was particularly struck by this idea. Basically, whatever we do on the internet, be it Facebook, Twitter, or even an app like a credit score checker, leaves a permanent trace. And now those "tattoos" are permanently linked to our identities thanks to technologies like facial recognition. That's a serious privacy concern, but considering that this data might outlive us, it's also a bit unsettling. 

Catherine Crump brought up how the government is using mass surveillance to gather info on all of us, even tracking vehicles to get a sense of who they think we are and whether we're a threat. It's insane to think that the police hold onto all this data, just waiting for the day it becomes "useful." They even track our phones to know where we are when we’re not driving. This feels like a serious violation of civil liberties because innocent people are being monitored constantly, without their knowledge.

Then Christopher Soghoian pointed out something I hadn’t thought about before: not only do phone companies and networks have access to all our data, but governments, hackers, and even stalkers can get in on it, too. The worst thing is that we are powerless to restrict who has access to these networks. Also, there have even been cases of foreign governments breaking into Microsoft and Google accounts, which leads to numerous conflicts like fraud, stealing, and bribing.

These TED talks were, to put it bluntly, eye-opening. As a result, I realized how important it is to restrict the amount of information I reveal online. The idea that I'm being followed even when I'm not online is just unsettling. When I come forward and tell my loved ones about the scope of government surveillance, I will undoubtedly proceed with extra caution. There needs to be a limit to the government's power because there is for sure no checks and balances regarding this topic.

Age of A.I.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing how we live, work, and interact with each other, and the PBS Frontline documentary "In the Age of AI" really opened my eyes to the good and bad that comes with it. Watching the two-hour video was both fascinating and terrifying because of the huge impact AI is already having on our lives.

AI has also significantly increased efficiency and productivity in a lot of industries. AI not only has improved manufacturing processes and enabled businesses to manufacture more goods more quickly, but it's exceeding how much they could have in the past. Furthermore, AI helps doctors diagnose and treat patients more accurately. AI helps with diagnosing illness, this anticipates future diseases like cancer and benefits patients in the process. Since AI can analyze tons of data and identify patterns that humans would miss, this allows it to revolutionize both science and business industries. AI has made it possible for people to make more informed decisions based on more accurate data and research.

Although AI seems like it can be the best technology for the future, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Throughout the documentary, there were many questions about the privacy invasion of AI. Every time we click, share, or interact online, our data is being collected. The crazy part is this occurs without us even knowing, and we cannot stop it. Not only is this one of the main issues with AI, but this also brings up the serious surveillance issues that compromise our privacy on an even bigger scale. Though AI can jeopardize our privacy, it can also improve security, so the question I asked myself was, is it a fair trade-off? One of AI-powered technology's key benefits is its ability to identify and eradicate dangers before they even arise; would this include itself? 

Throughout the documentary, the way they presented AI’s position within our government and national security was a bit odd as well. Artificial intelligence technology is being heavily invested in by governments to prevent crime and protect their citizens. However, this doesn't mean the government won't use AI as a weapon for totalitarian despotism. The only way to make sure AI is used correctly is by governing it just like anything else. Even though AI poses a huge threat in the wrong hands, it can enhance security by foreseeing assaults and enabling faster emergency reaction times for our guardians. AI is being used by criminals as well, which is why identity theft and cyberattacks have been increasing over the years. AI is also capable of retaliating, this time by creating stronger defenses against these attacks and preventing crimes like these from occurring down the line.

"In the Age of AI," broke down the pros, cons, and future of AI. It's obvious that even though AI can better life, its usage requires caution. Based on the documentary, it all comes down to making a balance between the advantages and being aware of the privacy, security, and any ethical problems that might come from AI. Artificial intelligence is here to stay and grow, so we need to make sure it's not being used against the people. We need to learn how to utilize AI responsibly for the better of society.

People's choices about how to interact with AI will ultimately determine whether we utilize it as a tool for empowerment or continue to use it as a weapon against our freedom. Millions of jobs, businesses, and ideas could be lost because of AI. We need to do better at influencing its evolution for the good of humanity as a whole. If we are more aware of its pros and cons, this will lead to better outcomes. People, especially those with lower incomes, will have a difficult future if we do not act now to make standards, safeguard privacy, and implement security protocols. AI could change our entire way of life for the better and dictate online usage among all citizens.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression

 Marketplace of Ideas (Discovery of Truth)

The concept of a "marketplace of ideas" has always made me think and wonder. It is interesting to see where different viewpoints openly clash and challenge each other in the search for truth. This concept revolves around ideas being able to compete without restriction. I always am on the side of the truth prevailing, especially when it is brought to any opposing perspective. I believe this because once everyone speaks their truth the best and most logical concept will come out on top which is always the truth. 

Throughout my life, there have been many times when open conversations or even heated arguments helped me see things differently. I've had moments where I didn't agree with someone at all, but those discussions pushed me to think more deeply and rethink my position about what we were arguing. This is why I feel like this "marketplace" is valuable. It's in those real-life situations and tricky conversations that understanding concepts like this plays a huge role in out I portray myself to others. 

Participation in Self-Government 

I've always felt that free speech is at the heart of self-government. This can go a long way because if we are expected to vote and make smart decisions people need to actually be informed about candidates, positions, and issues of the matter. This plays a huge role in our society because when everyone truly understands what is being discussed, it opens the door to more freedom of conversation. Everyone can share their thoughts and challenge each other's opinions with validity. This often seems to lead to a more valid solution and choices to issues because this opens the door to the bigger picture and a better understanding. 

For me, these kinds of open exchanges with other people are what keep democracy real and meaningful. I feel like if we don't really explore concepts like these, people just go through the motions and check off boxes. When people encourage each other to really speak up it brings value to their voice and shows the freedom they have to voice questions, concerns, and solutions to conflict. To me, it's not just about having the right to speak: it's about making sure we get the information and viewpoints needed to stay active and informed as citizens. Free speech is more than just a right, it's what makes self-government possible. If we end up losing that, we lose our ability to shape our own future. 

Protect Dissent

I've always felt strongly about protecting dissent because I believe everyone should have the right to speak their mind, even if their views aren't popular or go against the majority of views. For me, it's almost a patriotic duty to speak up when something feels wrong. Not only is it our patriotic duty but it is just morally wrong too. Allowing dissent isn't just about respecting different opinions, it's about making sure we don't slip into a "mob rule". This rule is basically a common issue when only the loudest voices get heard and responses and questions are formed only around those voices. The key to building a more fair and balanced is breaking this cycle and protecting minority opinions. When we embrace dissent, we open the door to new ideas and perspectives that push us forward. This is one of the few ways we can make sure society stays diverse, growing, and not stagnant. 

I think we all need to remember that the most important changes in history have started with a few brave voices who dared to disagree with a much more powerful voice. By protecting dissent, we allow space for those voices to be heard and open the door for new possibilities. Ultimately, every individual needs to learn to value themselves, and especially their voices. 

The Founding Era & the Idea of America!

Have you ever been to court, I know I have been way too many times. A lot of people do not realize that the local courts you go to for speeding tickets and law violations are not the same as the Supreme Court. This court is much different but similar to minor courts. The Supreme Court plays possibly the biggest role in our government by safeguarding and upholding the Constitution's values. This safeguard is the highest-ranking court in our nation. The Supreme Court is the most influential judicial body globally because it holds the ultimate power and authority over every single federal case and state case that has any connection to the Constitution and federal law. The court can allow the government such power they see fit. This could mean removing or adding to what the presidents and states say. Also, the court can address national concerns that touch upon the Constitution. 

During the videos, a huge reminder I always seem to forget is the Supreme Court is actually made of only 9 Justices. Within these 9 members, eight are Associate Justices and one is Chief Justice. All 9 of these members have lifetime appointments on the Court, meaning they can serve as long as they choose to. The only way a member may be removed is from the office by impeachment. It is very interesting how a lot of the world's fate lies in the hands of these 9 individuals. All the Justices have to interrupt the Constitution by their own means and apply it to modern society. Although many people may argue they don't do a very good job, it is very difficult to apply a 200-year-old paper (Constitution) to our endlessly evolving world. A lot of society doesn't understand how much work these members truly put in as well. For example, I was very surprised to learn that the Court receives thousands of petitions each year and reviews nearly all of them. The tricky part is each one of these takes tremendous time and consideration because any one of these cases can turn into a precedent. The Justices only meet once a week as well to choose if they want to keep reviewing a case or drop it. 

Although many Justices have the opportunity to serve however long they wish, the average is only 16 years. This may seem long but the average human works 35 to 45 years in their lifetime. Many people say the Justice's jobs are easy but after watching the videos I would 100% disagree. Every justice has to follow the process of writing an opinion for any case they work on. The tricky part is this opinion has to be extremely well thought out, it's almost like writing a research paper because no matter which sides the Justices are on a case, the written opinion can influence if the decision stands for or against. These members put in a huge effort to keep our government and society in balance. Until now, I never understood these 9 individuals have weekly agendas for ongoing conflicts and oversee tons of trials. Another huge headache I never realized the Supreme Court has to deal with is how time-consuming every conflict truly is. For example, if a president was to get impeached this could take months and maybe years to resolve. Ultimately these videos allowed me to view a different perspective on our Supreme Court. I never understood how much work the 9 Justices have to do, especially current Chief Justice, John G. Roberts Jr. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Instagram is one of the most enjoyable sources of information simply because of the addiction to “scrolling”. I enjoy Instagram because it collects your data about which videos, images, reels, and stories you enjoy the most, which allows Instagram to provide better and more visuals. Also, Instagram is a perfect platform for sharing funny photos and videos with all of your friends and family. The platform's features allow for creative expression while discovering tailored content of our interest. I would 100% recommend Instagram because it’s a versatile platform for staying updated with influencers, exploring various hobbies or trends, and staying up to date with what's occurring in our evolving world. It’s especially great for those who have nothing else going on in their lives because there is no limit to how much content you can see, the only limit is yourself. 

Also, I really enjoy Snapchat because of its dynamic features. The platform includes hundreds of unique filters to play with. The app allows for quick videos and photos to stay in touch with family and friends. Snapchat, similar to Instagram, also has a unique story mode where individuals can post daily content for their followers to view to know what is happening in their day. This app provides endless content of influencers and daily events occurring, and everything posted, sent, videoed, or photographed disappears within 24 hours. Another huge aspect I enjoy is the 1 year ago memories. This feature allows users to go down memory lane and have a good laugh about what they were doing a year ago that day. I recommend Snapchat to people who enjoy a more genuine way of communicating with others daily. 

Another huge platform many younger generations like myself use for news and information is TikTok. This platform is extremely unique because of the endless creativity available to its users. Not only does it offer a specialized algorithm to provide tailored videos and information to your liking, but you can also create your very own specialized reels and videos for other users to watch. TikTok is always trending with whatever is hot in our society, whether that is influencers making videos about a new dance or posting highlights of a sports game. Although TikTok is targeted towards the younger generations, I would recommend it for adults as well. This platform is great for creative ideas, it promotes community engagement and can be an educational tool sometimes.

I assume you have heard of YouTube right? Well, YouTube is by far one of the best ways to explore news, information, and what's happening in the world at any time. Millions of users use YouTube to post videos and reels of pretty much anything you can think of. Whether someone is posting a video of the ice-cold plunge challenge or the Donald Trump presidential shooting, you will be able to find it on this platform basically before it already happens. Users can find millions of different videos about any topic all the time which makes it one of my favorite tools of information. Personally, I would recommend this platform to everyone! A lot of people live under rocks and need to learn how to use YouTube to their advantage whether that is locating news or learning a new skill. YouTube provides more than just educational data, it ranges from learning to make money all the way to your favorite bodybuilder posting videos on how to gain mass.

A relatively newer platform called "LinkedIn" has come to the surface as a very promising tool for news and information. On this platform, users can post daily updates about how their current job is going, whether they are searching for a new job position, their education level, interest, and much more. This allows businesses to look for individuals who are looking for a job opportunity and get to know the person via their profile. On this social media platform, there is always constant networking and ongoing relative information for users. LinkedIn is great for anyone looking to take their professional career to the next level and really boost their networking web. LinkedIn is honestly great for anyone old or young enough to understand how the platform works because it allows people to see how others enjoy certain areas of work and what they might be interested in or currently popular in our society.